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You know, am just thinking this topic again and again and surely i believe i have not made any mistake in trying to deal on this particular important segment of our life, at least not now.....
Thoughts can bring you up and of course has every tenacity to level you down if you make use of it wrongly!
Someone said that he will value a million positive ideas than a million dollars and i will dare say that person was and is right!
And there is no way you can have a million of those useful ideas without first putting your mind into productive use by thinking.
All over the Earth, we see the products of thoughts, whether good or bad ones. Even our world was formed first by the imagination of our Supreme God.
So thought, is something that if its power is taken from anybody, such person(s) would prefer they were dead!
I mean they would automatically become walking corpses with no direction, if that wonderful gem is taken away from them.
Imagination is the progressive stage of thinking. We all call this stage of thinking as giving picture to your thoughts. Its a deeper level of thinking.
Imagination can put food on your table and take you from obscure poverty to an elevated affluence!
All of us has that great trait in us, just that many of us has decided knowingly and un-knowingly never to develop this great gift nature has bestowed to us.
There are many ideas flying here and there. So many opportunities are escaping from our sights, why?, because we do not think, neither do we imagine positively.
Edwin C. Barnes while working with the famous Thomas Alva Edison found out that an office dictating machine called Ediphone which was Invented by Edison could be sold in large quantities around United States, when everyone, i mean the salesmen, were not willing to accept the machine.
Just a swift twist of the mind of that man in the right direction took him from being a penniless man to becoming a sole distributor of that Product by Edison. It made him so wealthy, that he retired a young man.
Now, the above example was someone who thought positively and.....he did not relent until he accomplished what he thought or imagined!!! It started as a thought but it didn't end there!
An uncle of a man called R.U Darby, followed the path of thinking and imagination the way the first example did..... but he did something so painful and so heart rendering.
During those period of 'gold-rush saga', this uncle of his decided to try his luck, with some intoxicating lust for gold as his Mentor!
He soon found where the golds was located and that was after hard goings. He engaged the help of a suitable machine and successfully he mined his first ore of golds.
But something happened along the line, something that could happen to anybody who thinks the way this men here had their thoughts.
The golden vein of this wonderful Ore left the seeing-surface.....it abruptly disappeared! They drilled on and on, but they had no success and at the end, it was sold to an ordinary man or so we thought of him, but he was to prove all those thoughts and imaginations (negative ones), towards him, completely useless!!
Yep, this man invited a Mining Engineer and on investigation, they found out that, the aforementioned hidden vein, was just three feet from where The Darby's put a stop to their drilling!! Three feet!!!
I wouldn't have to tell you the millions that suppose Ordinary man got from just one positive thinking! Yep, they all forgot that veins, no matter how hidden it would be, it could be discovered if they had dare added Persistence and a profound strong backing knowledge!
We don't know everything, and so it is necessary when faced with some strong situations that beat our imagination, that we go to someone who is a specialist at least in offering tangible advice or solution to it.
So guys, if you have any desire to quit, just say to yourself, "what if all i just need is three feet digging to get to my glorious destination!".....cause it could be!!!
Mr. Dardy after that very costly mistake, learnt from it, that the word 'no' is not always 'no'.
Yep, cause even the greatest 'no' can bow down to a very strong persisting thinking-spirited 'Yes' !!!.
Most People, not excluding thinkers majorly learns from their mistakes, but i will advise that we do not take that, 'Always wanting to make mistake' mentality along with us, in our everyday life. We have some good stuff in us.....!!!
Why i included thinkers in this stage is that they are human and so bent on making mistakes. But thinkers have greater success in overcoming and minimizing their defeat, by first imagining that they are a 'SUCCESS!!'
Notre Bene: Thinkers are not afraid to fail, and they are not just having that consciousness of failing!!
If you want to fail, it's simple!!....just cultivate, a Failure Consciousness, vice-versa.
Most people because of the society, the depleting society (i will put it thus), they finds themselves in, they do not believe that they can ever rise from that level of defeat, penury, misery, shame, even diseases!!
Nature has thought us that, if you want a maize farm, you don't need all the prayers in this world to have one, just do a little thinking.....plant a Maize seed there and, see tangible results hitting your face from left and right!!
One of the ways you can have something is when you 'DESIRE' it!! that's right! You know what you want after thinking and imagining it, until it builds that strong trait 'DESIRE', which endows you with a persisting force, and you have, Success even in the midst of the 'Impossible !!'
Summarily, i will end here by saying that you're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. Remember, The Bible says that, "As a Man thinks in his heart so is he!"
Thanks for perusing and never you forget to share!!
Edited last: Friday night, 09:43pm, 07-04-2023
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