Image is one of the basics for controlling or being controlled by life. It's Cruel or Exciting. Hateful or Liked.
Even the Bible admonishes that we should not think more highly of ourself- meaning we can think highly of ourself but, not 'More highly'.
Notably, a Healthy Self-worth or Value by one make he or she feels delightful. Such people radiates Joy, Hope and Most of all Trust.
They Know that they are sinful by nature but because of God's mercies they can become what they have been Created to become.
Low-esteemed Class of people are the very Opposite afterall, they so nudge into their own Shortcomings that they can't be of help to anyone. These people are not free, they are living-Souls-caged!
Now, the truth is that your notification or belief about you is far more better than what most persons envisage it is.
Your Self Portrait is how you see yourself just the way God sees you.
If you see yourself as so precious- You'll act so precious in everything you think and do. People working in weak Self Image, may think God had Abandoned them.
In fact, they are conscious(Self) of their appearances or achievement - failure or victory: they are conscious of it all.
You can also know some repercussions of low self esteem by clicking on the link
The Truth is, most people are not free from this nationwide stigmas - because it appears innate- our surrounding, people, everything except God, had made us misinterpret a great life void of self piety.
These folks have judgmental reasoning of others, they belittle themselves by themselves they pour anger out just to avoid being hurt, they don't even take in any Praise at all.
See, if your Image Quality is low, anybody succeeding will become like a tightened Cord in your neck that keeps getting tighter and tighter.
And all this- are from and of the past! When you were a Child, the love your Parent showcased on you made you capable, unique and loved. You started copying everything about them.
Love can make you copy anything!
The same was opposite for those who was second rated.
There are According to self-esteem's experts three very important stuffs that aid parenting - they are the very ways our fault and default started, even until now.
They are all encased as modeling, teaching and learning to make friends with (to relate). Everything about us as relating to self control is all in the huge blocks of belonging(loved), Competence (Adequacy) and Worthiness (Acceptability).
When any of this block is pushed aside, it affects the person's Self-portrait in and out! Let me flog the above blocks very clearly as simple as the readers could take in or understand.
At age 0 to 3, an infant Child needs the attention of his mother.
At 3 to 10 years, the Child needs the opposite parent's love more. At age 10 to 18, the teenager needs the corporate love of his parents.
The feeling of being worthy or equal to or being Acceptable is one of the ways Self confident people live their lives. They just love themselves, they love their beauty, their cleanliness, their everything and most of all their ability to accept others; the feeling of being loved and not hated!
You can also know some repercussions of low self esteem by clicking on the link
The Second is the feeling of Adequacy (Being able); people who are confident with so much home and strength (courage), perhaps because of their past difficulties and the way they handled them victoriously are having good self portrait and they can influence others positively.
The Third one- The feeling of being loved. The most important part of them all have the ability to so bring out the unique gem available in all people's life that's in them and also keep it.
Yep, that knowledge that someone loves me, and that he/she is acceptable to others is so great that it can move mountains.
You can also know some repercussions of low self esteem by clicking on the link
Remember, the Tower of Babel. Another Example is that of Dorcas.
If you want to really know who you are, what you should think, whose you are and whom you are, then the Bible is meant for you.
In Conclusion, i will say thus that ones' Attitudes, act or reaction are all built on good or bad information. The Thought God thinks of you is that of Good not of Evil to bring you to an expected end.
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