This is really, one of the most interesting questions pretty confuse and intelligent people ask and  If you have been finding ways on how to answer these questions, then, am happy to tell you that, all the information you need are all nicely here!

Many of us have heard about JAMB many a time because it's  the most popular Near-Tertiary Examination Higher Institution seekers write but, a few updated people have heard about JUPEB from various sources i don't want to talk about here, since this platform is one of those sources.

JAMB is an acronym that stands for Joint Admission Matriculation Board Examination, while JUPEB, also an acronym, figuratively stands for Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board. And the sweet advantages of these both is that they are Near Tertiary Exams.

Most people have been complaining bitterly over the years about the difficulty gaining admission through JAMB examination. And the truth is not far fetched that truly, it's the hardest way of gaining admission into the tertiary Institution, especially the University for most people.

I believe this is where JUPEB Examination comes into play. The good news is that this  particular examination can actually pave way for your admission into any University be it Federal, State, Private. Yep, this Ex-JAMB exam has no space for Polytechnics whether Federal, State or even Private. So any one embarking on writing this examination has no mind on going to any Polytechnic at all.  Isn't it superb!!! Yes it is!!

It is a nice validity, that no examination is easy and that, is also applicable to JUPEB which is always written every June. But the goal and the result has an inspiring  worth! So prepare Extensively and eventually come out, a Victor!!

The Examination unlike JAMB has objective, essay and practical and its no computer based as it's is written on paper!  It is written for three weeks (3 weeks) unlike that of JAMB that's written a day.

Now, the above facts about the Exam shouldn't scare you cause it has much advantage than  the Seemingly smiling JAMB and remember that lasting results are never done in one day.

JUPEB has its wonderful sides! Yep! the number one reason is that, if you write JUPEB you'll instantly get admission into 200 level also popularly called Year two instead of 100 level as in JAMB!! JUPEB is one sweet skyrocketing examination i wouldn't want any to miss!!

Another advantage is  that, unlike JAMB that is valid for only one year, this GIANT examination does not EXPIRES!!! yes folks! it means you can use it to gain examination into any higher institution any year you wish! If you want to get what am saying look at your NECO/WAEC examination validness as these also never expires!!! So for all your stress this is a gold UP!!

Summarily, JUPEB statistics are also very encouraging than JAMB, as only 40% of all  Students who wrote JAMB examination gets admission into the University, while a  Higher percentage of 85% of JUPEB Students gets admission into the Tertiary Institution; (The  University).

So my advise is that you write both exams and do not stay at home due to the ignorance of gaining admission thereby struggling to get the same. So move forward and engage in JUPEB!!

Thanks for perusing folks!! I believe you've gain something worthwhile today. please for more information on Schools and their exams like JAMB, POST UTME. Business Investing, about the Bank Industry and much more, you can kindly visit https//:frankobiwithgod.blogspot.com

And please do share this, as it could help those who are seemingly ignorant and confuse about these Examinations.
