FINANCIAL EDUCATION; The Authentic part of Money Most people don't Know

Money  is a very complicative gadget in our everyday lives. Money can't be taught in the School. There is no real knowledge about us controlling them from the 'Academic basics'. 

We can't get it from our poor financial mentality parents apart from the usual sage of 'Remain in School and study hard" nugget.

Even our national debts which is not stable are all traceable to smart or highly educated government gurus or officials who have very little or no real knowledge about money or what it really means to the country.

There are ways the Rich thinks and if we know something about their day to day habits and cultivate it then,  we will live that great lifestyle someday, trust me.

Rich men know instinctively that firstly, their sayings especially financially, determines their upliftment or their staying down and also determining whether their brains will be opened or closed.

The Rich exercise their brains everyday monetarily. And the thing is that as their brains becomes stronger so also they have stronger capability to amass wealth. That's often the opposite for the poor and  middle classed citizens.

The rich believes in managing risk, while the poor are afraid to take risk. Taking calculated risk is the major priority of the Rich since they create investments; they know that even their home is a very important asset; infact their greatest investment.

The Rich believes that money is power and practicalize it, while the others (the poor or middle class), have that in them theoretically.

They; the Rich, believes that your thought or actions can make out whether you're going to be poor or wealthy. Actually, being wealthy start from your mind.

Notre Bene: Money is a form of power but having financial education is better.

The reason is because, money goes and comes but your experience and financial know-how stays with you and is important and valid all times. Having money is not going to solve all your financial problems, you should know that.

Even if you have a  high paying job, without having learnt anything about money will put you into more debt than you could ever imagined!

If you want to cultivate the habit of working for money, then the School system is a great sphere to do such!

If you want to be successful in handling; that's controlling finances, then i will advise you to remove fear from your financial vocabulary. Don't have it as a basic-emotion especially when the issue of money is raised.

Those who work for money wait in line utterly subdued because they had subconsciously made money their master.

Do you know that the poor and middle classed are taxed when they spend, when they earn, when they save, and even when they eventually dies? yes! they do! But the Rich do not, since they outsmarts the others by simply using  the sacred part located in-between their ears; their Brains!

Everyone's life is controlled most times by just two very strong emotions, and they are Greed and Fear. 

So it is advisable never to react when it comes to money but to just think. Think ways to come out of your problem not spending all your time reacting negatively or apprehensively.

And once you stop searching for information, you open the door of Ignorance directing it straight towards your very home and life. And that is a short step to death!

Don't make 'The School Education', your end, but envisage it as your beginning. To wake up in the middle of the night afraid of how you're going to pay some bills is a horrible lifestyle of the highest order! 

Finally i will conclude by saying that, your ignorance about managing finance creates fear and greed. Never forget. Practice using your emotion to think and not the other way round.

Thanks for perusing and don't forget to share and comment, knowing that someone may need some financial help; you could be some gadget in accelerating  that change.

Edited last : Friday night,  09:05pm, 07-04-2023
